Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Learn how to create a plane crash in Photoshop

Learn how to create a plane crash in Photoshop

In this tutorial I will teach you how to create a scene with a plane crashing on a mountain. I will use ordinary images, and with simple techniques I will create an explosive horror scene.
Even with basic Photoshop skills, you can quickly find a path to create such photo manipulations.
Try to find good stock images with the same perspective, and you are on the good way.
PSD file is available for VIP members. zip size ~110 MB – 3540 x 2112 pixels

Things you will need:

1. Airplane image
2. Winter Mountain
3. Explosion and fire images : Register for a VIP account to download this set
4. Some Photoshop brushes – Available for VIP members inside the zip file at the bottom of the tutorial.

This is the final result:

For start I will open the image with the winter mountain in Photoshop.

With Lasso Tool I will select the mountains from this image.

Then I will add a Gaussian blur effect for the mountains. To add this effect you need to go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur

You can deselect the selection ( Press on CTRL+D ) and then go to Image > Adjustments > Curves and try to use something similar with my settings

My winter image will look like this. You can see a nice depth of field. If you are photographer I am sure you know what I mean. Click on the image to see a bigger image

My next step is to add a new adjustment layer. you can do it from the bottom of the layer palette. Use some values closed to mine

Now I will use the second image with the plane. I will place the image like in the following screen shot.

With Pen Tool I will make a selection around my plane. You can change the opacity value to 70 % or less so you can see better the plane.

I will right click on the selection and I will choose ” Make selection ”

You will see a selection around the plane. this is very good because I will invert the selection and I will delete the other part of the image. To invert the selection you can go to Select > Inverse or you can use the key shortcut ( SHIFT+CTRL+I ) and then hit the Delete Key from your keyboard. This is my result so far.

I will go one more time to Curves settings ( Image > Adjustment > Curves) and I will use the following settings:

You will need to download the following set of Stock images with Explosions. This set is available only for VIP members and you can see and download this set here : Download Stock Images

I will choose a image with a nice explosion, and I will place it in the front of the plane.

Change the blending mode for this layer to ” Screen ”

With the same technique I will place this nice image on the left side of the plane. Important :D rag this layer under the layer with the plane.

Duplicate the right layer with flames and make it smaller, and then change the blending mode to ” Saturation ”
With this little trick you can create a nice smoke.

I will use Polygonal Lasso Tool to create a selection around the back of the plane.

After you have the selection in place make sure you have the layer with the plane selected, and go to Layer > New > Layer via cut.
You just broke the plane in two different pieces. Very nice…, but the image still looks like a normal plane. All you need is to rotate the back part of the plane so it looks like a real plane accident. To rotate the back of the plane select this last layer and press on CTRL+T ( transform ). With mouse rotate the plane to the left. Click on the image to see a bigger size.

I will create a new layer ( place the layer under the plane layers ) and with Brush Tool draw a dark area between the two pieces.

I will use another stock image with flames, and I will place it in the gap and one under the engine. Click on the image to see a bigger size.

If you register for a VIP account you will be able to download a set of brushes to use in this tutorial. It has a few smoke effects, a crack and some sparks.
Step by step you have to add the brushes like in the following images.
After you load the brush in Photoshop, create a new layer for each brush and add some sparks on the front of the plane

On the engine you will add another brush on a separate layer.

The same brush I will add also on the front of the plane. I will place the smoke like it comes out from the cockpit. To create a more dense effect simply duplicate the layer with smoke. To duplicate a layer you need to select it and then press on CTRL+J.

You can use another brush to create the smoke from the middle of the plane.

The next step is to create a new layer ( press on CTRL+SHIFT+ALT) and add also the cracks.

One of my last steps is to add some snow around the engine, and also in front of the plane.

My Last step is to add some light around the fire. I will create a new layer ( press on CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+N ) and with Brush Tool I will add a orange color around the flames. Please set the brush opacity to 30%-40% when you make the drawing, and use a orange color.

This is my final result


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